Once a patient has been diagnosed with cancer, it is important for the physician to evaluate the extent of the disease and identify where the cancer began, how big it is and whether it has spread within the body. The physician may use imaging, biopsies and surgery to determine the true extent of the disease. This process is referred to as staging, and the goal is to put patients with similar prognoses and treatments into the same staging group which determines their treatment. Anatomic staging is applicable to almost all cancers except for most forms of leukemia which are not anatomically localized like other cancers.
TNM staging is generally used for most types of solid tumors:
Once the TNM stage has been established, a patient’s cancer will often be assigned a stage with a Roman numeral from I through IV. In general, a stage I cancer is a small, localized cancer that is usually curable, while stage IV generally denotes cancer that has spread to one or more distant metastatic site(s). Stage II and III cancers are typically large or locally advanced and may have lymph node involvement. More specific descriptions for each of these stages are available for each individual type of cancer.
Cancer is treated with surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Each of these modalities may be used alone or in combination with others. The stage, along with other factors such as general health, patient preferences and results of biochemical tests on the cancer cells will contribute to determining a patient's prognosis and treatment.
It is important to know that while staging is important for guiding treatment and estimating prognosis, it certainly does not reflect the entire picture. A cancer prognosis associated with a cancer stage is only a general guide, not a guarantee. There is considerable variability in outcome for every type and stage of cancer. Factors that may also impact prognosis: